Charles River Labs

Messaging | Lead Generation | Content

Turning a Tagline Into a Deeper Rebrand Through Blogging and Social Ads

Charles River Labs started in 1947 as a one-man operation, but has since grown into a billion-dollar corporation with almost 9,000 employees and offices around the globe. They aim to guide pharmaceutical companies through the entire drug development cycle, from conception to FDA approval.

The Problem

For decades, Charles River Labs was known for assisting with one specific aspect of drug development, but recent acquisitions made their service offerings much more robust. Not only was awareness of this change lacking amongst the general public but among Charles River Labs employees as well.

The Solution

Knowing overall awareness was their biggest issue, Charles River Labs tried to be proactive by creating the tagline “Every Step of the Way.” However, they knew that the creation of a tagline is not the same as a true rebranding campaign. In order to turn it into one, Ideometry collaborated with Charles River Labs to attach a greater context to the new tagline by way of blog posts.

Ideometry created a series of social media ads that employed the tag “Every Step of the Way.” These ads linked to various blog posts on the Charles River Labs website, and each blog spoke to a different category of services, be it Drug Discovery or Safety Assessment.

This not only drove traffic to the website; it generated millions of meaningful brand impressions that resulted in high-quality leads that drove new business and fueled their sales teams with more deep funnel opportunities.

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