Becker College

Messaging | Design | Motion

How This Small College Attracted Big Donations with an Animated Video

Becker College is a small school achieving big things. Though named one of the best institutions for undergraduate education by the Princeton Review, Becker is most known for their vet tech, nursing and gaming programs. In fact, their graming program is ranked #9 in the world.

The Problem

Though Becker’s overall enrollment has skyrocketed in recent years, the marketing department was unsure of how to most effectively reach and entice their young alums, especially when it came to gathering donations for the Annual Fund. The Becker team knew they wanted a video, but they weren’t sure what kind of video would get them the results the wanted.

The Solution

Given the success of Becker’s gaming program and their expressed desire to appear both modern and tech-savvy, Ideometry created a short motion graphic video to attract donations to the Annual Fund. Employing sleek, custom animations and a casual, conversational tone, we explained how even small donations could have a big impact on day-to-day life at Becker College.

The key tagline for this messaging — “It All Counts, Every Little Thing” — then became the focal point for a series of Annual Fund postcards.

Our Annual Fund marketing materials were so well-received, Becker implored Ideometry to make another video to be used at their Annual Speaker Series as well as at Open Houses and Prospective Students’ Days, which focused on what exactly makes the Becker College experience so rewarding.

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